Two students carry backpacks as they talk and walk in front of the tall brick front of Northside Commons' buildings.


Academic Calendars and Schedules

The York College community follows a distinct set of dates and deadlines for courses, academic work, student records, and breaks throughout the year. Refer to these calendars and schedules to stay informed. 

Available Schedules

Academic Calendars (Undergraduate)

This collection of calendars highlights dates related to undergraduate courses for current and upcoming semesters.

Academic Calendars (Graduate/Online)

These calendars feature dates and deadlines relevant to students in master's, doctoral, professional certificate, and/or fully online programs.

Final Exam Schedules

During Finals Week, your exam period may not fall during normal class time. Check this schedule to ensure you show up for the test on time! 

Inclement Weather Schedule

When weather conditions prevent normal operations, the College may operate on an amended schedule. Review the Inclement Weather Policy and learn how you can stay updated about schedule changes like delayed openings and virtual learning days.

Schedule of Classes (In-Person)

Access YCPWeb to view scheduling information, assigned instructors, and classroom locations for courses held on the York College campus. 

Schedule of Classes (Online)

Access YCPWeb to view scheduling and instructor information for fully online program courses.