Karen S. March, Ph.D., R.N., ACNS-BC

Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Professor of Nursing
Director of Graduate Programs
Meet Karen S. March
Karen March has been a critical care nurse for over 25 years. She has spent her free time in nursing research in the last four years. With experience in nursing supervision, management, and administration throughout her career, Professor March is a skilled nurse educator with over 25 years of experience.
- B.S., Indiana University of PA
- M.S.N., Gannon University
- Ph.D., University at Buffalo, State University of New York
- Registered Nurse
- Board-Certified Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist
- NUR385: Comparative Health Care
- NUR460: Nursing Leadership
- NUR512: Theoretical Basis for Role Development for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- NUR514: Health Policy for Advanced Practice Nurses
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Factors Affecting NCLEX Success
- March, K.S. (2013). Faculty and staff giving practices in U.S. public higher education. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Pucino, C. and March, K.S. (2012). Instructor resource manual for Perrin’s Understanding the essentials of critical care nursing, 2e. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
- Buchko, B. L., Artz, B.A., Dayhoff, S., and March, K.S. (2012). Improving care of patients with insulin pumps during hospitalization: Translating the evidence. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 27(4):333-340.
- Condon, M. and March, K.S. (2011). NCLEX-RN high risk: The disaster prevention manual for nurses determined to pass the licensure exam on the first try. Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Artz, B.A., March, K.S., and Grim, R.D. (2011). Clinical nurse specialists empowering staff to improve patient outcomes in temperature measurement: From PI/EBP to nursing research. In Patton, S. P., and Moody, R. 2011 National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists National Conference Abstracts. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice.
- March, K.S. “Improving Item Writing Skills to Support Student Success.” Presentation at York College, 2016.
- Hardy-Sprenkle, V., Buchko, B., March, K.S., and Pugh, L.C. “Creating and spreading the spirit of inquiry: Locally, regionally, nationally, internationally.” Poster presentation at the Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders conference, 2012.
- March, K.S. “Improving patient outcomes through evidence based practice.” Podium presentation at TRENDS in Trauma and Cardiovascular Nursing Conference in Atlantic City, NJ, 2012.
- March, K.S. “Development of evidence-based practice skills among undergraduate and graduate students.” Podium presentation at Dimensions of Evidence-Based Practice Across the Spectrum, Millersville University, Millersville, PA, 2012.
- March, K.S. “Using evidence as a framework for practice to improve patient outcomes.” Podium presentation at Making a Difference Conference, Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, 2011.
- Poster award for “Creating and spreading the spirit of inquiry: Locally, regionally, nationally, internationally,” Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders Conference, 2012
- York Hospital Nursing Excellence in Shared Decision Making Award, 2010
- Excellence in Nursing Research Award, Eta Eta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, 2009
- Evidence-Based Practice Poster Award at the annual conference of the Emergency Nurses’ Association, 2009
- Continuing Education Review Panel for American Association of Critical Care Nurses, 1998-2002 & 2003-present.
- Advisory Board Member for Messiah College Nursing program, 2012-present.
- Advisory Board Member for Harrisburg Area Community College/York Nursing program, 2013-present.
- Site Evaluator for Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), 2010-present.