
Campus Directory

Showing 496 results
Corey Brooks
Corey Brooks, Ph.D.
Chair, History and Political Science Department
Full Professor of History
School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies
Cheyanne Brown
Cheyanne Brown
Assistant Track and Field Coach
Athletics and Recreation
Sharon Brtalik
Sharon Brtalik
Marketing Project Manager
Institutional and Enrollment Marketing
Edward Bruder
Edward Bruder
Director of Campus Safety
Campus Safety
Lauren Bryant
Lauren Bryant
Admissions Counselor
Admissions Office
Kimberly Buchar-Nolet
Kimberly Buchar-Nolet, D.M.A.
Adjunct Faculty - Bassoon
School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies
Karen Bumbaugh
Karen Bumbaugh, M.B.A.
Instructor, Information Technology Management
Graham School of Business
Daniel Burke
Daniel Burke, B.F.A.
Adjunct Faculty - Movement for Stage
School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies
Laura Burkey
Laura Burkey
Director, Development
York Country Day School