A class of students work in the computer lab while a professor lectures at a podium at the front of the room.

Computer Science Labs

The Kinsley Engineering Center features modern computer and software engineering labs, designated for use by students in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and related programs.

A student works at one of the computers in the computer lab. His classmates are visible in the background, working on their own computers throughout the room.

Visualization Lab

The Visualization Lab is used primarily by Computer Science majors — especially seniors who are working on their Senior Design Projects. Student teams are encouraged to set up shared workspaces for collaborative projects. 

Lab equipment includes:

  • PCs 
  • Whiteboards
  • A Dual-Projector Stereoscopic 3-D Projection System
A student writes on a tablet with a digital pencil in a computer lab. An open laptop is visible on the desk beside him.

Software Engineering Lab

The Software Engineering Lab is the main teaching laboratory for Computer Science majors. This teaching and learning space includes a wealth of resources, enabling students to get hands-on experience with the tools they'll use in their future careers. 

Lab equipment includes:

  • 24 PCs
  • Flip-Top Benches
  • Dual Projectors 
  • High-Performance Linux Cluster (featuring a 6-node, 24-core MPI cluster and a 16-core system for shared memory and GPGPU parallel processing)